Wow! I didn't realize how long it's been since my last post! Well, I've got a lot to share, so this may take a while! The boys continue to grow like little weeds. Henry is now eleven months old and will be the big O-N-E on the 26th of this month! I can't believe an entire year has already gone by. Sad. He is doing great and is super spunky. We can already tell he is going to be pretty strong willed and adventurous! Jonah is such a sweet boy. He loves all things having to do with cars and trucks and he LOVES to play outside. Very boy! He is doing great at sharing, most of the time, and is learning how to be a good example to his little brother. He loves to tell us that Henry is "just a baby." Then he reminds us that he is a big boy! I love these boys!!!

This picture cracks me up. We were at a mall that had a whole area filled with these silly ride on toys. There was a race car, a horse, a little carosel and what did Jonah choose to ride on? The school bus. The nice thing was that the school bus had a back seat, so Henry got to go for a ride too! (Although Jonah made sure
he was in the driver's seat!!)

And so it begins. Jonah's new love of those car video games at the pizza parlor. He had no idea what he was doing but he loved turning the steering wheel and watching the car go fast!

Crazy hair!!

Henry loves watching the dryer or the washing machine in action! He actually pulled up his snack and watched them until I made him go play!

Dapper Dan Man!

After he finished playing with the trains, he drank a spot of tea and offered a lecture at Oxford.

He's a big boy - no more baby food for this guy!

He doesn't mind having a monkey on his back.

Yep, we're gearing up for potty training. Jonah got a spiffy new Lightning McQueen potty that makes race car sounds when you "flush" it!!! He is so excited to use it, but I'm a little to chicken to begin the process. Such a big step! We'll begin soon.

We made this cute little crown one morning. He was a good sport and put it on for the photo.

This boy LOVES books!! I love when I catch him "reading" to himself. Today it was Kat Kong!

My little snuggle bug!

Dino boy and brother

Snuggly in their matching sweats