This year, I was ready to start some new traditions. We started The Elf on The Shelf. We continued our tradition of going to the Del Mar Lights Show. I tried to start a new tradition of Christmas crafts (didn't do too many of those this year- leaves me room for improvement next year!). And I thought we were ready for something I've been wanting to do for a really long time. Like longer than I've been married or had kids. I wanted to make Christmas cookies with my boys. So we did. And it was more fun than I even imagined it would be! Henry did a great job, although he only decorated the cookie that he later ate. (Trust me, it was for the best and for everyone's health!) Jonah did a really great job using ALL our cookie decorations! I basically made the cookies and iced them, then passed them on to Jonah, er, the boys, to decorate. They had so much fun and I guarantee this will be a tradition that we carry on until they leave the nest. Maybe they will come back to the nest to help me continue it. Thankfully I've got a while before I have to think of that!
Decorating this cookie very gently!
Smashing the decorations in to make sure they are still there when he eats it
This is supposed to be a smile but he was really focused on decorating and I was bugging him with the whole "say cheese" thing!
That's more like it!
Ready to get the party started!
Happiest Hamster in the world!