March 17 is our lucky day! Sweet little Lucy Annelise was born at 12:28 on St. Patrick's Day! She weighed 7lbs 14 oz and was 19.5 inches long. She is perfect in every way and has just about every member of our family wrapped around her tiny finger!! Jonah is obsessed with her! He can't get enough. He is constantly wanting to kiss her and see what she is doing. It is so sweet and makes my heart melt. Henry loves her too, but isn't that impressed with her. I think once she's a bit more active and interactive, he'll have more fun with her!
Dan was a bit excited!
Best doctor in the world! Dr. Ellis delivered all three of my sweet blessings!
Getting checked out. Confirmed how perfect she is!
She was a bit high maintenance in the hospital and didn't want to sleep. I finally got her to sleep but needed to get up. So I rested her on all the pillows. She looked like a picture of the "Princess & the Pea!"
Ready to go home. Look at that tiny little head!
Jonah was SUPER excited to hold "his baby." Henry was excited to hold the balloon.
The hospital has two wagons they use to help load all the stuff into our car. Everyday the boys would ask if they could play with it. So as we were leaving, the nurse asked them if they wanted a ride. They were SO excited!! That was probably the highlight of their visit to the hospital!
Hanging out at home - finally!