

Monday, July 6, 2015

Christmas Extras

 Later that week, we headed up north to celebrate Christmas with all the grandparents. We started off at Dan's parents. The kids had fun opening presents and got lots of goodies!

 Although they loved the presents, I think the best part of the trip was the kids picking oranges and squeezing them to make orange juice. They had so much fun and enjoyed drinking the juice when they were done!

 Next, we headed to my parents to celebrate Christmas and open presents with them. The kids loved these headlamps!

 The following day we all went bowling. It was a lot of fun and it was so cute to see the boys bowl!


 It snowed close by in the mountains while Dan was off work. So we decided to head up to the mountains and see if we could find a place to play. We were a bit nervous since we didn't have chains for the car, but we were able to get up to a rest stop that had tons of snow to play at! The boys had a blast! They were so excited! Lucy hated it. She hated wearing the clothes, the shoes, she had trouble slipping and just hated it all. We tried everything to get her to have fun, but after about half an hour, we just gave up and I sat in the car with her. It actually worked out alright since I was pregnant. I was actually really scared of slipping or falling so I was content to sit in the car. Dan had fun taking the boys around and having snowball fights with them.
 The first thing they did was make a tiny snowman!

Happy little camper! After the snow, we drove down to a little town and had some warm apple pie and hot chocolate. It was the perfect ending to a pretty perfect day.

Fun with Daddy

 Dan always get some extra time off during the Christmas break, which is great! We love having him home and the kids are always excited to do fun stuff with him. He's such a great dad!! One morning, we went out to feed the ducks at the nearby pond and decided to take a little hike around it. The kids were happy to explore. We found these funny chairs cut into tree stumps.

 Daddy loves his little girl!

 Can't go on a walk without a walking stick!

Dan also took Jonah out to the park to teach him to ride his bike without training wheels. He's doing pretty good!

Christmas 2014

Christmas morning was SO much fun! The kids were all really excited before they went to sleep on Christmas Eve. Jonah wrote a cute letter to Santa thanking him for his presents from last year. Henry thought he needed to get in on that action (wouldn't want Santa to think he was ungrateful and forget to leave presents!) so he drew a few smiley faces. Too cute!

When they all finally woke up (I think we finally had to go in and wake Henry up!), they were excited to see that Santa had filled their stockings and left a bag full of presents! So we opened stockings first. Those usually just have candy and little toys and/or socks in them. Then they got to open the big presents from Santa.

 Everyone was excited to dig into Santa's bag!

 Jonah went first and he was super excited!

 Santa brought him the remote control Wall-E that he had been wanting. Toys R Us sold out of it a long time ago so he was really excited that Santa could get it for him! (wink, wink!)

 Then it was Henry's turn. He was excited by how big his present was, even though he had no idea what it was!
 Santa brought him a big shark boat to take in the bathtub!

Lastly, it was Lucy's turn. She took a little bit longer to open hers, but was really excited!

 She got a baby that she can take into the bathtub!

 Santa also brought a family gift. It ended up being the game of Trouble, Star Wars edition.

 Lucy loves her baby. She will make a great mommy someday!

 Jonah enjoyed driving Wall-E around while we got breakfast together. We opened the rest of the presents after breakfast.

 After breakfast, we got to opening all the other presents from each other. Lucy got the cutest pair of purple lady bug boots. She loves them!

 Jonah and Lucy got Henry this tiny shopping cart that he wanted. Then they all fought over it.

 The boys got Lucy this cute microwave oven. It spins around and counts down the time while it "cooks" the food!

 Perry goes for a ride in his cart.

 Of course, Jonah got a set of Star Wars Legos!

 Lucy loves her new puppy and matching bag.

 Lucy got a baby furniture set, so she gathered up all her dolls and took care of them!

Later that day, Jeff & Suzanne and the kids came over for dinner. They were on their way to Utah for a vacation but came down our way first. So we opened presents with them and had a big holiday dinner. It was so much fun! They stayed the night and then headed out to Utah the next morning.