

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

New Discoveries at Disneyland

 We took a fun trip to Disneyland and made some new discoveries! We've been quite a few times, so it's really fun to discovery something new while we're there. This time, we went into the Super Hero/Star Wars area and explored for a while. It was really neat, even though we haven't seen any of the super hero movies. The kids pretty much still knew who they all were! They had the actual suits from the Iron Man movies. The boys thought that was super cool!

 Then we moved to the Star Wars area, which meant the boys were in heaven! They had a lot of models set up and they also had actual pieces from some of the movies.

 Someone's speeder (I'm sure the boys know, but I haven't any clue who used this thing)

 Storm Trooper helmets

 Then we waited in line to meet Darth Vader. Henry adores Darth, so he was really excited to meet him. It was pretty fun! Darth Vader interacted with all the kids and then tried to interrogate Dan. It didn't work, Dan's a tough nut to crack. They had a person there to take photos and/or video with your own camera/phone, which was super nice!

 Jonah and Bobba

 We found this super cute little gem in one of the stores! It's a little kind of theater box (I think it cost 50 cents) and Woody dances and sings when you press the button. It was really cute! I got a video of it in action so I'll post that next.

The boys both loved these coon skin hats!

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