

Friday, June 30, 2017

October Part 1

 October has been another busy month. The fall just seems to be jammed packed with fun things to do!  For starters, this rascal had to get his eyes checked to find out if he has the same eye issue that Jonah had. Thankfully, everything checked out great! They had to dilate his eyes, so he was able to sport some pretty cool sunglasses home. He was a good sport and didn't even try to pull them off. He knew he looked good.

 Another case of taco ear!

 He loves his brothers so much! It's so cute to see them all interact together!

 We made some super creepy pine cone bats in school! These were really cute and pretty easy for the kiddos. They enjoyed playing with them for a while and then hanging them up in their rooms.

 Hanging out at Jonah's soccer game! This little guy is always the hit of the game!

 Jonah's got some crazy foot work - or he just saw a bee. Not sure.

 We are so fortunate to not only have Disney passes, but have friends with passes too!  The only thing better than Disneyland, is Disneyland with friends!

 Ben looks a little suspicious of the Winnie the Pooh ride.

 This was a selfie gone wrong! We were all crammed into a rocket ship and my arms just aren't long enough to get us all in the photo!

 My sweet little princess!

 More friends! Lucy was feeling shy - or super tired!

 Trick-or-treating at Disneyland! We all wore super hero t-shirts because it was SO hot. But I think it turned out pretty cute!


 This lizard. He is the luckiest lizard ever. He got to hang out in his own Lego house, ride a skateboard and wear a helmet. What more could a lizard want? I wonder why he ran away so fast when we let him go?

 Safety first!

 We headed to the Childrens Discovery Museum with a bunch of friends and the kids had a blast! They've improved it a lot since the last time we were there and there were  a lot of things for them to do.

 Making pumpkin crafts

 Lucy & Addison loved this fan that blew scarves and fabric up

 Playing dress-up

Cap'n Lucy

Six Month Chunk

 This little chunk is six months old! I love all his squishy little rolls and chunky thighs! And he is such a happy and content little guy!

 His hat kills me!