

Monday, June 29, 2009

father's day, spagetti and chocolate cake - could life get any better?

First spagetti dinner!Lots of fun firsts this past month and Jonah enjoyed them all! We went up to visit both sides of the family for Jonah's first Father's Day. He got to visit all of his cousins and see his aunts and uncles and grandmas and grandpas. It's always too short of a visit, but it's great to see everyone.

He learned very quickly how to suck the noodles into his mouth - but sometimes he was too hungry to wait and just shoveled it in with his fist!


Cute little chubbers!

He's mobile! Found him under the chair after I came back into the room.

Also LOVES chocolate cake. He can't eat it fast enough!

Hanging out with his cousins for a photo op. Delilah wasn't having any of it, which Jonah couldn't understand.
Jonah's sympathy cry.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Nine Months Old

My Sweetpea is nine months old! We went to the doctor today for his check-up and he is now officially a string bean. He is 29 inches long which puts him in the 75% for length! He weighs 19 lbs which puts him in the 25%. The doctor wasn't worried and was happier he is lengthening out rather than turning into a butterball!! He still has a tiny little head at the 25% - but there's a big brain packed in there. He was such a good boy for the visit. He had to get his big toe pricked to draw blood to check his iron levels and he didn't even cry! He only cried when the male nurse put the tape measure around his head to measure it. How dare he! His iron levels are really good, so he'll continue eating his cereal for a while to keep it up. He is now ready to start eating more "normal" food rather than baby food. He isn't crawling yet, but he is able to slither backwards! He pulls himself into the crawling position but then he lays back on his tummy and puts his arms and legs in the air like superman! Next weekend, we will be babyproofing, since he could take off at any moment!