

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

soccer hooligan!

We recently enrolled Jonah in a "Mommy & Me" soccer class and he LOVES it!! He can't wait for Saturdays to roll around so he can go play. He loves the kids, the coaches, running around and playing with Mommy & Daddy! The class is set up so well - we were really impressed. They don't actually play soccer, but they do a lot of things to help with their gross motor skills and coordination, as well as following directions and listening to other people. He is one of the older kids in the class so he can kick the ball pretty well. The coaches have already told us he is ready to move up to the independent class for next session. That class is a little more "soccer" geared. But for now, he is loving this class and he always takes a good nap on Saturdays!

The scoop up little plastic balls with lacrosse sticks and run them to the goal. Jonah really likes this game!

Carrying his ball very carefully

They also practice balancing a soccer ball on the cone (like an ice cream cone!) and running it to the goal, where they dump the soccer ball.

Almost made it!

snow day!

One weekend in March, we decided to take a trip up to Idyllwild to take a look around and check out the possibility of renting a cabin. It was a pretty nice drive, Henry took a nap and Jonah watched a DVD. Well, once we got up there, we discovered there was still snow! So we made a little snow day out of it and took the boys to play for a little while. We had packed a lunch, so they had fun eating in the back of the car and taking in all the sights. Then we took them into the snow. Jonah was pretty brave and had fun for a while, but since I wasn't expecting snow, I didn't have the right gear for everyone. It was pretty icy and slippery so Henry and I stayed close to the road. After playing for a little bit, we drove into town and walked through the shops and got some yummy candy. Such a fun day!
He thinks he's the big man with his "big boy" sippy cup. Just like his big brother!

Family photo - kinda hard to see because of the shade but it was the only place we could find a stump to put the camera on!

Can you spot Jonah?