

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

elf on the shelf

This year, with the help of Pinterest, we started a new tradition: The Elf on the Shelf. We bought the book and elf and started it up December 1. Jonah had a lot of fun searching for the elf every morning, although we didn't really hide him. He just did a lot of silly things that Jonah thought was funny. Henry didn't really get it, but he did know the elf and would shout "Elf" when he finally saw him! If you're not familiar with the story, the elf hides out during the day watching to see if you are naughty or nice. Then he flies back to the North Pole every night to tell Santa how you were during the day. Each morning the kids are supposed to find the elf. It was a lot of fun, although we didn't always remember to put the elf out every night before we went to bed. I think it will take a little more planning and sophistication as the boys get older, but it's a fun tradition that I'm glad we started.

The elf built a road for the cars and trucks. Complete with a box for a tunnel!

The elf wrapped up all the presents and put them under the tree for us!

The elf made a big town out of masking tape. This was a HUGE hit. The boys played with it all day before we pulled the tape up.

The elf put together train tracks for all of Thomas and his buddies.

Christmas lights

We went with some friends to go looking at Christmas lights around town. We bundled up and took lots of hot drinks only to find that since we were walking through the neighborhood, it wasn't really that cold! Oh well! The kids had a lot of fun and several of us got a pretty good workout pushing the double stroller loaded with a three and five year old up some pretty steep hills!

There was a party going on in our backseat on the way to Christmas lights!

On another night, we took the boys to the "Holiday of Lights" display at the Del Mar fairgrounds. They turn the race track (horse races) into a massive lights display. You actually drive your car on the race track through the display. It was a lot of fun this year because Henry was able to ride in his forward facing car seat and actually see all the lights!

Somehow, my photos got out of order again. This was Jonah and Molly when we walked around looking at Christmas lights. Best Buddies!

Jonah watching all the lights as we drove around the race track

Hamster enjoying his big boy car seat

Christmas card

This was the photo we choose for our Christmas card this year. Turned out pretty cute, in my opinion. We took this at the same Old Poway Park, where they had the cool Christmas fair. They park was decorated for Christmas and there were a LOT of people out there taking Christmas pictures on the same day we took these!

This was our second choice. Henry was super excited about the train. It was running on the tracks around the park and he had to point at it every time it came around!

Christmas Fair

Showing off his snowflake!

Cute little guy! The Girl Scouts had a face painting booth set up. He chose this little snowflake.

We accidentally discovered a Christmas fair in Poway this year and decided to bundle up, grab the kids and go! So glad we did. It was a lot of fun! It was held at a really great park that has a working steam engine. And they had it running for the fair - this was a big hit with the boys! Once they saw it, they were fascinated and couldn't wait to ride it. There were all sort of booths set up with free crafts for the kids, food to eat, pictures with Santa, the train rides, carolers, and lots of other fun things to do with the family. I think we found a new tradition to continue!

Riding on train! We were in some little open coal cars. Dan called them Troublesome Trucks and suddenly they were the best seats in the house!!

Waiting for dinner

Baby, it's cold outside!

shearing the sheep

The boys were in desperate need of haircuts and thankfully their Grandma Mason is a beautician - so, they all got haircuts for Thanksgiving! My shaggy little sheep were spruced up in no time!

Just when I thought he couldn't get any cuter!

He loves his new haircut. Thanks Grandma!

Before, he was a sad little shaggy sheep. Actually he was VERY worried Grandma was going to use the "bee". (The bee is also known as the clippers. They make a buzzing sound like a bee, hence the name.) Grandma knew his fear and was very careful.

Henry wasn't a big fan o'the haircut. Or the bee.

Grandma shaped up his "bowl" cut that I botched on him. Made him look like a real boy!

We tried to distract him with anything we could get our hands on. He was pretty content with this little box that had an M&M in it!


Well, this is a pretty late post, but better late than never! A good friend of ours won some tickets to Seaworld and offered them to us back in October/November. So we took her up on it and had a fun day at Seaworld for free!! Sadly, Dan had to work, so I took the boys by myself. I had never been before, so it was a fun experience for all three of us. We saw a lot of cool animals that they don't have at the zoo, like penguins and whales. The penguin exhibit was Henry's favorite. Jonah loved the rides and the play areas and my favorite was a fish exhibit (I'll reference it in my photos.) We saw a really funny animal show with all kinds of dogs, cats, pigs, chickens and ducks. We didn't see the killer whale show or any dolphin shows, they boys were really wanting to run around rather than sit for a show. But it was a super fun day and we're considering buying passes so that we can do it again all year long!

Jonah in one of the aquariums with all the different fish.

It was so pretty in this particular aquarium room because it was dark except for the lights outside the fish tanks and the fish were amazing vibrant colors.

Jonah with a friendly turtle.

This was my absolute favorite aquarium/exhibit. These fish were massive but were so beautiful and graceful in the water. It was so neat to watch Jonah interact with them and I love how these photos came out.

The fish was pretty much the same size as Jonah. (Jonah and the Big Fish!)

Waving to the fish!

On one of the spinning starfish!

He thought he was such a big boy because I couldn't hold him on this ride. So he had to sit on the bench next to Jonah. I don't know why he has to grow up so fast!

This was Jonah's FAVORITE attraction. The giant jumping pillow thing. We waited in line A LOT for him to do this all day long! He's the one in the black pants flying by!

Waiting for a ride. They were such good boys the whole day!

A walrus! I've never seen one of these before!! There were two of them in the exhibit and they were gigantic! Wow! This one was pretty cute because he was sitting right in the window waiting for me to take his picture. Or maybe he's sizing up Henry!

The boys were watching these cute white wales. Don't remember what kind of whales they were but they seemed friendly and they were really active.

Jonah was super impressed with this helicopter in one of the arctic exhibits.

Jonah and the walrus

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Christmas project: Day 1

Day 1 of our Christmas crafts. I'm going to try to do a craft a day with the kids through Christmas (excluding weekends - way too busy already!) I know this is pretty lofty, but hopefully it will work out and we'll all have lots of fun! Today we are making little santa charts to count up to the days of Christmas. Each day, the boys will add a puff to his beard until he has a full beard and it's Christmas! I got the idea from Pinterest. Love that site!

Starting to glue the hat

I gave the boys their first candy canes (ever!) while we worked on the craft. Obviously I didn't think this through. So we had to stop and wash up a few times throughout and Henry's Santa turned out pretty sticky and blue. Oh well, at least we know which one is his!

Sticky Blue boy!

He was so upset by being sticky from the candy cane, then the glue stick that he wanted nothing to do with putting the puff on Santa's beard. He does not like dirty hands!

Yep, even Henry got to use the glue stick. Then I had to wash the table, but hey, he had fun!

So this is a series of all the same photos, but I thought the progression was hilarious. I would get one kid looking, then the other, then a Santa in front of the face, then one would think we were done and bolt. I think somewhere in here, you get the idea of the craft!!

"Henry, say cheese!"

"Wait, now Jonah say cheese!"

And now Henry peels out. He was done with the whole thing. But he was a pretty good sport!