

Monday, November 18, 2013


Wow - what a month. We moved into a new house, Jonah turned 5 and Lucy turned 6 months old. I don't know a time when we've had more going on! Trips to the beach, birthday parties, starting Preschool, it's been a really fun-filled month!

 My sweet girl turned 6 months old! Such a sweet little girl!

 Jonah turned 5! We had a small celebration for him at home. What a day! It was the day we closed on our house and we were scheduled to move the following morning! So we went to church, opened presents and ate cake, then continued to pack in to the wee hours!!

 Labor Day weekend we went to the beach with friends. It was perfect beach weather and everyone had a blast. Lucy is becoming accustomed to the beach!!

 The boys also started preschool. I enrolled the boys in a homeschool co-op for a preschool class once a week. Unfortunately their class filled up before they were completely enrolled, so I signed up to teach a class. So every Thursday, we go to school and learn about bugs. It's so fun for them and we have a class full of boys (minus Lucy!)


 The boys had so much fun building this train and they really wanted Lucy to join in. So she was a good sport and let me put her in for a little while!

 My sweet little Squishy. She is such a good baby. She was getting tired playing with her toys and when I came back into the room, I found her asleep! I've never had a baby that would put themselves to sleep when they were tired!

 The bunk beds make such a fun fort! They boys love hiding out in their fort and pretending to go camping.
 It's a little dark, but they're in there!

 This picture cracks me up! Jonah found these glasses at Target and really wanted them. Luckily he's a good saver and had some allowance money saved up to buy them. When you turn the knob on the nose, the eyebrows and the glasses move up and down. We had so much fun with these!!

 I found a really great Groupon to a children's museum close by. So I was able to get a family membership for the year for a really good price. So we went up to check it out. It was super cute! It's organized very well and there are a lot of cute little stations of fun things to play with and discover. The boys ask to go here all the time!

 The boys both really love this light table. They enjoy building lots of fun things with the magnetic pieces.

 Henry was so proud that he was able to climb the rock wall all by himself!

 This was also one of Henry's favorite stations. A sand box full of shells to dig with!

 On the way back to the car we walked through a nearby park. It has these old tractors out for kids to play on. Big hit!

 Jonah thought he needed to "termite tent" Lucy's little house!

She is so cute sleeping! She looks just like her big brothers!

August Fun

August was a whirlwind month for sure!! Lucy continues to grow like a little weed and gets cuter (is that possible?) by the day! The boys are madly in love with her, which is SO cute!! She's beginning to sit up on her own. It's always fun to see her doing new things, but a part of my heart is sad to know she won't stay a baby for much longer. I love these series of photos - look at that little tongue!! She was all decked out in her "shoe" dress with her pretty gold sandals.

We took a really fun trip to SeaWorld. The boys had a lot of fun going on rides with Daddy. Lucy and I watched the whales for a while. It was pretty amazing to see them swimming around. They were so big!!

The boys also got to build a wooden plane from the movie "Planes" at the Lowe's Build It workshop. They had SO much fun!! The last time we came to one of these, Henry was just a baby!! So he had a lot of fun getting to be a big boy and use the hammer!

 Lucy was a good girl while the boys built their planes.

We also had our condo termite tented. It was a really big deal to us. Especially since we all got to go stay in a hotel!!

 Lucy's first meal! She had bananas. It was fun at first but as you can see, she wasn't that into it!

 She also had her first time in a swing. She loved it!

 This is one of my favorite pictures. Jonah loves Lucy so much. What a good big brother!

 Henry loves to hold her too. Although Henry isn't really too much bigger than she is!!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I'm back!

Wow! It's been a while since I've done some blogging, but believe me, I have a good excuse. We moved! It happened really fast and we weren't even really planning to move but we found the perfect house and God was watching over us! We were so sad to say goodbye to our perfect condo, but it was perfect in every way except space. And our new house offered us plenty of room, a nice big backyard, a nice neighborhood and super easy freeway access for Dan to speed off to work. It's taking a lot of getting used to and it will take us even longer to get "settled". However, the more boxes we unpack, the more it starts to feel like "home." So, needless to say, I've been really preoccupied! Things are starting to settle down so I'm hoping to get back into my blogging. I have a TON of super cute photos to post!!

Bye, super cute condo!