

Friday, April 9, 2010

Lake Miramar

This goose swam right up and took a cracker from Dan. Jonah loved it and started "sharing" the crackers with them!

This afternoon, Dan decided to take a half day and come early. So we went out to Lake Miramar to feed the ducks. I had never been out there but I am so glad we went. It's only about ten minutes from our house and it's really cute and well maintained. And there were lots of ducks! We took a couple bags of stale crackers to feed the ducks and anything else that would come around. Little did we know that "anything else" would be Jonah. He ate every cracker we gave him until about five minutes before we left. Then he caught on to the fact that we were giving them to the ducks and he thought it was fun to throw the whole cracker out. The ducks didn't seem to mind. In fact there were several flocks of somewhat friendly geese that came over and chowed down on the whole crackers. It was a lot of fun and I'm sure we'll be spending a lot of time out there this summer.

Jonah eating the duck food.

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